The haunted McDonald's

Ok.... I apologize, but I know not how much time is left for me to write this
I'm a regular customer of McDonald's. They make the best burgers in the world, their fries are greasy and salty, just like how I love them, and their milkshakes are so thick it takes a half hour for them to be drinkable. But anyway, just this morning I was going there on my way to school on my tricycle (don't judge I'm 4 years old) and I usually order a quarter pounder with pickles and onions only. I do not ask for ketchup or mustard, so if I get it, I become angry. I received my burger at the second window, but before I pedal away, I check it. I've gotten used to checking them because they're always wrong
"This is wrong" I say in shock
I decided to go into the restaurant to get it fixed, but.... I wish I hadn't. This may be the final mistake I ever made.
I entered the door and asked the manager "who made this piece of donkey shit burger?" the manager did not respond. He simply phased through the counter and walked through me. I shook it off as a glitch.
"Excuse me sir! Who made this?" I shout to a cook in the back. He didn't hear. I pull out a machete and decide to kill everyone, but it went through all of them. I wondered if my machete was broken but then.... it happened
I ran home from it as quickly as I could. Now I'm writing this -
Oh no. Oh no he's almost through the door. I see... oh my god, IS THAT A PINK PINHEAD?! NO, NOT YOU!! NO! AGHHH NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!